
Subhash Yadav, 42, who was expecting his fifth child, was rushed to hospital but could not be saved with doctors ruling his death was due to overeating

A dad collapsed and died trying to eat 50 eggs as part of a £20 bet.

Subhash Yadav was about to take a bite out of the 42nd one when he dropped to the ground.

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The 42-year-old never regained consciousness and died a few hours later.

Police said that Subhash and his friend had gone to a market area in Jaunpur, India, when an argument broke out between the pair.

They then challenged each other to eat 50 eggs for 2,000 rupees (£21).

Subhash accepted the bet and managed to scoff 41 before he collapsed and fell unconscious, 

Doctors ruled that his death was due to overeating.

His family have not publicly commented on the incident.

Subhash is understood to have had four daughters from his first marriage.

He married again just nine months ago and was set to became a father for the fifth time. 

Earlier this year, a woman blacked out and stopped breathing as she tried to see how many Jaffa Cakes she could fit in her mouth for a party trick.

Mother-of-one Bethan Gaskin got the snacks lodged in her throat as she desperately tried to spit them out.

The 24-year-old collapsed at home in Bourne, Lincolnshire, on Friday, February 22 and was rushed to hospital.

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At least two protesters were injured after a traffic cop appeared to deliberately ram his motorbike into a crowd of people during a citywide protest that kicked off today.

In videos circulating online, the officer can be seen circling back and zig-zagging into a crowd of black-clad protesters who had gathered on Hing Fong Road in Kwai Fong in what appears to be an attempt to run them over.

The police bike’s siren was also on.

According to Headline Daily, at least two people were injured at the scene, although the nature of the injuries was not clear as of press time.

The video began circulating just over an hour after similar videos began making the rounds showing at least one protester being shot in the torso with a live round in Sai Wan Ho this morning.

Today’s protests come after a university student passed away on Friday after succumbing to a brain injury sustained in a fall at a car park during a police dispersal operation in Tseung Kwan O a week ago today.

As of press time, several universities have announced that classes will be canceled, and the Transport Department has said that there have been disruptions to train and bus services, and that multiple train stations — including Kwai Fong — are now shut.

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NEW YORK — Former national security adviser John Bolton has a book deal, The Associated Press has learned.

The hawkish Bolton departed in September because of numerous foreign policy disagreements with President Donald Trump. He reached a deal over the past few weeks with Simon & Schuster, according to three publishing officials with knowledge of negotiations. The officials were not authorized to discuss the deal publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Two of the officials said the deal was worth about $2 million. Bolton was represented by the Javelin literary agency, whose clients include former FBI Director James Comey and the anonymous Trump administration official whose book, A Warning,” comes out Nov. 19.

The publishing officials did not know the title or release date. Simon & Schuster declined comment Saturday and Javelin did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Bolton’s 2007 book, Surrender is Not an Option: Defending America at the United Nations and Abroad,” was published by the conservative Simon & Schuster imprint Threshold Editions.

Bolton’s name has come up often recently during the House impeachment inquiry , which has focused on Trump’s pressure on Ukraine to investigate potential 2020 election rival Joe Biden, the former vice president.

In a transcript of a closed-door interview released Friday, a former national security official described how Bolton had immediately stiffened” as Ambassador Gordon Sondland blurted out” that he had worked out a trade — Ukrainians’ probe for an Oval Office welcome for Ukraine’s new president — with Trump’s acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney.

Fiona Hill said Bolton later told her that I am not part of whatever drug deal Sondland and Mulvaney are cooking up” and asked her to relay that message to a White House lawyer.

Meanwhile, a letter from Bolton’s attorney to the top lawyer for the House alleges that Bolton was part of many relevant meetings and conversations” pertaining to the House impeachment inquiry of Trump that are not yet public.

The attorney, Charles Cooper, suggests Bolton will appear before Congress only if a judge orders him to do so.

Appointed in April 2018, Bolton was Trump’s third national security adviser and is known for advocating military action abroad, a viewpoint Trump has resisted. In a speech in late September to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, given after he left the administration, Bolton offered a far more aggressive approach to North Korea’s nuclear program than the one advocated by Trump, who has spoken warmly about North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Every day that goes by makes North Korea a more dangerous country,” Bolton said. You don’t like their behavior today, what do you think it will be when they have nuclear weapons that can be delivered to American cities?”

Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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HONG KONG: A student of a Hong Kong university who fell during protests at the weekend died early on Friday morning (Nov 8), marking the first student death during the anti-government demonstrations that have roiled the city and setting the stage for fresh unrest.

Alex Chow Tsz-lok, 22, a computer science undergraduate of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, was certified dead at 8.09am on Friday, Queen Elizabeth Hospital confirmed.  

The college was holding its graduation ceremony Friday morning, and university head Wei Shyy paused the proceedings to announce Chow's death and observe a moment of silence.

Chow was taken to hospital in an unconscious state in the early hours of Monday morning following late-night clashes between police and protesters in Tseung Kwan O district. Sources told AFP doctors had performed two surgeries in a bid to reduce swelling in his brain.

He was found lying unconscious in a pool of blood inside a car park that police had fired tear gas into after protesters hurled objects from the building.

The exact circumstances of how Chow received his injuries were unclear but police said he was believed to have fallen from one floor to another in the multistorey car park.

Students and young people have been at the forefront of the hundreds of thousands who have taken to the streets since June to press for greater democracy, among other demands, and rally against perceived Chinese meddling in the Asian financial hub.

Many demonstrators had thronged the hospital over this week to pray for Chow and also staged rallies at universities across the former British colony.

Chow's death is expected to spark fresh protests and fuel anger and resentment against the police, who are already under immense pressure amid accusations of excessive force as the city grapples with its worst political crisis in decades.

Demonstrators had thronged the hospital over this week to pray for Chow, leaving flowers and hundreds of get well messages on walls and notice boards inside the building. Students also staged rallies at universities across the former British colony.

"Wake up soon. Remember we need to meet under the LegCo," said one message, referring to the territory's Legislative Council, one of the targets of the protest rallies. "There are still lots of things for you to experience in your life."

Another read: "Please add oil and stay well," a slogan meaning "keep your strength up" that has become a rallying cry of the protest movement.

Notices circulated on social media said students planned a march on Friday at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Others called for people to rally at 1200 GMT at the site where Chow fell.

Schools also plan a rally in the eastern district of Kwun Tong, protesters said in advertisements.

The demonstrations in Hong Kong began over a since-scrapped extradition Bill and escalated in mid-June. 

Protesters have kept up their calls for universal suffrage and an independent inquiry into police behaviour, among other demands.

The number of people who take part in the mostly weekend rallies has dwindled from the millions who participated in June, but the violence and vandalism have escalated. 

There have been many injuries in the protests. Last weekend anti-government protesters crowded a shopping mall in running clashes with police that saw a man slash people with a knife and bite off part of the ear of a local politician.

On Friday evening, schools plan to hold a rally in the eastern working-class district of Kwun Tong, protesters said in advertisements.

Protests scheduled over the weekend include "Shopping Sunday" centred on prominent shopping malls, some of which have previously descended into chaos as riot police stormed areas crowded with families and children.

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Around 150 bushfires continue to burn in Australia's eastern states, with officials worried they are unlikely to be contained before temperatures spike again next week.

More than 1.1 million hectares of land have been burnt or is burning in the states of New South Wales and Queensland.

Tuesday saw "catastrophic" fire danger in parts of New South Wales, the country's most populous state, with more than 50 homes destroyed, bringing the week's total to around 200.

At its peak there were emergency warnings for 19 fires, many of those so close to homes that people were told it was too late to leave and they should instead find shelter.

Flames came within metres of the Greater Sydney area, where around five million people were told to avoid going outside due to the hazardous smoke in the air.

Three people had died earlier in the week but there were no fatalities reported on Tuesday, although at least 21 people were injured, including 13 firefighters.

Temperatures soaring into the late 30s have combined with strong, dry winds and a long period of drought to bring an early start to Australia's fire season.

However, a change overnight brought some relief for the state's firefighters and their colleagues from other Australian states and New Zealand who had come to help.

By Wednesday there were no fires at emergency warning level but 17 were designated "watch and act" - the next level down, meaning that people should take action and follow the bushfire survival plans every home is encouraged to have.

But conditions are expected to worsen again next week and NSW Rural Fire Service commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons warned: "We will not have all these fires contained before then.

"We will not have all these fires contained and locked up for many, many weeks.

"Unfortunately, what we need is rain. What we need is meaningful rain. And there is certainly nothing in the forecast for the foreseeable future that's going to make any discernible difference to the conditions that we are experiencing."

There was no respite for NSW's northern neighbour Queensland, where around 80 fires are still burning and 14 homes have been destroyed.

An emergency warning was issued for a bushfire at the popular beachside resort of Noosa, about 93 miles south of Brisbane.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services said in their warning: "Conditions are now very dangerous and firefighters may soon be unable to prevent the fire advancing.

"The fire may pose a threat to all lives directly in its path."

A further 15 fires were designated "watch and act".

Local media said that a water-bombing aircraft working at Pechey, north of Toowoomba in Queensland had crashed in difficult conditions and the pilot had suffered minor injuries.

Meanwhile, back in New South Wales, police are investigating a number of the fires that they believe may have been deliberately lit.

In Lismore, almost 500 miles north of Sydney, two men were charged with stealing firefighting equipment, including helmets, uniform patches and documentation.

A third man was charged with stealing equipment and impersonating a firefighter after he was found riding a scooter dressed as a firefighter in Sydney's south.

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The public listing of Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil company has been highly anticipated by the market, but analysts say investors should consider the influence the kingdom has over the company.

The biggest issue with Aramco is that everything about this company is controlled by the Saudi royal family — shareholder opinions, your board votes, none of that makes any difference,” said Pavel Molchanov, director and energy analyst at Raymond James.

Aramco said in an email that it will respond to CNBC’s queries about governance concerns at the earliest opportunity.”

Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil company, announced Saturday that up to 0.5% of its shares will be allocated for individual investors in its initial public offering. The IPO is set for December on Saudi Arabia’s Tadawul exchange.

The 658-page preliminary prospectus divulged operational information about Saudi Aramco, but didn’t list a possible price range for the shares or give a definite idea how many shares will be offered.

Analysts’ valuations of the company range widely, between $1.2 trillion to $2.3 trillion. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman put a $2 trillion valuation on the oil firm when he first touted the idea of a listing in 2016.

Even within the lower range of that valuation, Aramco could become the largest stock listing in history, surpassing Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba’s$25 billion flotation in 2014, which still stands as the biggest IPO ever.

But according to Molchanov, the IPO may be too small to really be interesting” for many asset managers.

The government will do whatever it wants, whether it’s raising production, curtailing production, investing in one geography versus another,” he told CNBC on Monday. They simply will not care what their private shareholders will wish to see.”

Investors will have to consider the political influence” of the kingdom, said Daniel Gerard, senior global multi-asset strategist at State Street.

There’s a lot to think about when buying Aramco,” he told CNBC last week, adding that an important issue is how much political influence would there be over the investment decisions.”

Saudi Arabia is still probably the largest party who is able to influence the oil markets as a single entity,” said Gerard.

Even if the U.S. with shale oil is a larger producer, it’s not one entity that makes one decision,” he added.

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Colin Kaepernick will finally get a chance Saturday to show his stuff again to NFL teams — after nearly a three-year wait.

On a practice field near Atlanta, the 32-year-old free agent quarterback will have about two hours to demonstrate his skills.
At least 11 teams will send personnel to watch the league-arranged workout at the Atlanta Falcons' practice facility in Flowery Branch, Georgia, the NFL said Thursday. Other teams can review the workout on video the NFL will provide.
As of Thursday, the teams that said they were sending personnel were Arizona, Atlanta, Cleveland, Denver, Detroit, Miami, New England, New York Giants, New York Jets, Tampa Bay and Washington, the NFL said.
    The closed session will begin at 3 p.m. ET, a source with direct knowledge told CNN. The timeline:
    • Interview, 3:15 p.m.
    • Measurements, stretching and warmups
    • Timing and testing, 3:50 p.m. That include sprints and a strength test
    • Quarterback drills, 4:15 p.m.
    The NFL said former coach Hue Jackson will lead the workout.
    Of the teams committed to the workout and interview session, most, and probably all, will send directors of player personnel and scouts who rate NFL players. Those are the people who would typically evaluate a back-up player — in this case a second- or third-string quarterback.
    Kaepernick, who claimed the NFL and its teams colluded to keep him from playing following his refusal to stand during the National Anthem, tweeted Tuesday he's ready.
    "I've been in shape and ready for this for 3 years, can't wait to see the head coaches and GMs on Saturday."

    NFL told teams about work out Tuesday

    The NFL sent a memo Tuesday about the workout for the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback to its 32 teams, ESPN first reported.
    The event will be closed to media.
    According to another source, several NFL teams inquired about the athlete-turned-activist's "football readiness" and desire to return to the league.
    Kaepernick hasn't played in the league since the 2016 season — the same season he first sat during the playing of the anthem. The protest evolved into kneeling after onetime Seattle Seahawk and Green Beret Nate Boyer convinced Kaepernick it would be more respectful to the nation's military, the quarterback has said.

    Kaepernick said he did so to protest police shootings of African American men and other social injustices faced by black people in the United States.
    Kaepernick became a free agent in 2017. No team offered him a contract, and that October, he filed a grievance against the league, accusing team owners of colluding to keep him from being signed. The NFL denied any collusion. Kaepernick and former teammate Eric Reid, who knelt with Kaepernick, settled their cases.
    Earlier this year, Kaepernick posted videos of himself on Twitter, taking part in weight training and throwing footballs.

    Kaepernick, who led the 49ers to the 2013 Super Bowl, played his last game on January 1, 2017, in the 49ers' loss to the Seattle Seahawks. During that season, in which the 49ers were 2-14, Kaepernick threw 16 touchdowns and had four interceptions. He rushed for 468 yards on 69 attempts.
    He opted out of his contract after the season and has been a free agent since.

    The Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Jefferson City (SSN 759) departs Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard after completing an engineered overahul to prolong the life of the submarine, according to a statement issued Monday by Commander Submarine Forces Pacific.

    During the shipyard period, shipyard employees and the crew performed multiple repairs, conducted preventative maintenance, and installed equipment upgrades to tactical systems and the propulsion plant,” a service news release states.

    Commissioned Feb. 29, 1992, USS Jefferson City is the 48th ship of the Los Angeles class and is the only ship in Navy history named for the capital of the Show Me State.

    Jefferson City is capable of supporting various missions, including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface ship warfare, strike, surveillance, and reconnaissance. She is one of six Los Angeles-class submarines homeported in San Diego.

    Attack submarines of this class are designed to seek and destroy enemy submarines and surface ships; project power ashore with Tomahawk cruise missiles and Special Operation Forces (SOF); carry out Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions; support battle group operations; and engage in mine warfare.

    According to the U.S. Department of Defense, the top speed of the submarines of the Los Angeles class is over 25 knots, although the actual maximum is classified. Some published estimates have placed their top speed at 30 to 33 knots (56 to 61 km/h; 35 to 38 mph). In his book Submarine: A Guided Tour Inside a Nuclear Warship, Tom Clancy estimated the top speed of Los Angeles-class submarines at about 37 knots (69 km/h; 43 mph).

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    Hong Kong's democrats scored a landslide majority in district council elections, which saw a record turnout after six months of anti-government protests, increasing pressure on the city's embattled leader on Monday to listen to pro-democracy calls.

    Sunday's elections marked a rare weekend lull in the unrest that has rocked the financial hub. Democratic candidates across the city of 7.4 million people secured nearly 90% of the 452 district council seats, broadcaster RTHK reported, despite a strongly resourced and mobilised pro-establishment opposition.

    Hong Kong's pro-Beijing chief executive Carrie Lam said in a statement the government respected the results and wished "the peaceful, safe and orderly situation to continue".

    "There are various analyses and interpretations in the community in relation to the results, and quite a few are of the view that the results reflect people's dissatisfaction with the current situation and the deep-seated problems in society," she said.

    The government would "listen to the opinions of members of the public humbly and seriously reflect", Lam said.

    Results showed upset wins for democrats against heavyweight pro-Beijing opponents when they started trickling in after midnight on Sunday, causing some voting centres to erupt in loud cheers and chants of "Liberate Hong Kong. Revolution Now" - a slogan used by many protesters over the past six months.

    Some winning candidates said the result was akin to a vote of support for the demonstrators and could raise the heat on Lam amid the city's worst political crisis in decades.

    "This is the power of democracy. This is a democratic tsunami," said Tommy Cheung, a former student protest leader who won a seat in the Yuen Long district close to China's border.

    The voting ended with no major disruptions in a day that saw massive, though orderly, queues form outside voting centres.

    "This district election shows that the central government needs to face the demands of a democratic system," Democratic Party chairman Wu Chi-wai said. "Today's result is the first step of our long way to democracy."

    The pro-democracy camp only secured around 100 seats at the previous polls four years ago. Almost three million people voted, a record turnout of more than 71% that appeared to have been spurred by the turmoil, almost double the number last time.

    Starry Lee, chairwoman of the city's largest pro-Beijing party, the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, apologised for her party's performance.

    "For this major defeat, we do not want to find any excuses and reasons," said Lee. She said the party rejected her offer to resign earlier on Monday.       

    ‘Path of struggle’

    Hong Kong's district councils control some spending and decide a range of livelihood issues such as transport. They also serve as an important grassroots platform to radiate political influence in the Chinese-ruled city.

    "I believe this result is because there are a lot of voters who hope to use this election and their vote to show their support for the (protest) movement, and their five demands, and their dissatisfaction with the Hong Kong government," said former student leader Lester Shum, who won a seat.

    The protesters' demands include full democracy, as well as an independent inquiry into perceived police brutality.

    "The district council is just one very important path of struggle. In future, we must find other paths of struggle to keep fighting," Shum said.

    The state-run China Daily newspaper said in an editorial on Monday the election "will hopefully have served as an opportunity to return the city to normal".

    "The relative tranquillity the city enjoyed since several days before the election suggests all stakeholders regarded it as an opportunity to air their views," it said.

    Demonstrators are angry at what they see as Chinese meddling in the freedoms promised to the former British colony when it returned to Chinese rule in 1997. They say they are also responding to perceived police brutality.

    China denies interfering and says it is committed to the "one country, two systems" formula for the autonomy of Hong Kong put in place in 1997. Police say they have shown restraint in the face of potentially deadly attacks.

    Sophie Richardson, China Director of Human Rights Watch, said the results showed "a commitment to peaceful political participation" and called on Hong Kong and Beijing authorities to address Hong Kongers' "legitimate grievances".

    "Ignoring assertions of political rights - either through the ballot box or peaceful street protests - is a losing strategy," she said.

    Jimmy Sham, a leader of the Civil Human Rights Front, which organised some of the anti-government rallies, won his electoral contest, as did Kelvin Lam, who stood in after prominent activist Joshua Wong was barred from running.

    A number of pro-Beijing heavyweights including Junius Ho, whose abrasive public comments have made him a hate-figure among many protesters, lost to pro-democracy challengers. He described it on Facebook as "an unusual result".

    The protests started over a now-withdrawn extradition bill that would have allowed people to be sent to mainland China for trial but rapidly evolved into calls for full democracy, posing the biggest populist challenge to Chinese President Xi Jinping since he came to power in 2012.

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    KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 1 — In what is possibly the first case in the country, six male Muslims, including three teenagers, were sentenced to a month in jail and fined over RM2,000 for skipping out on Friday prayers last August 23.

    Khairul Azle Abdul Rasid, 35; Abdul Malek Mohd, 25; Muhamad Hafizi Abdul Razak, 22; Muhammad Aliff Fikri A Mazzani, 19; and two unnamed 17-year-old boys were given the sentence by Syarie judge Nik Mohd Shahril Irwan Mat Yusof at the Hulu Terengganu Lower Shariah Court earlier today after pleading guilty to a charge of deliberately missing the compulsory Friday prayers, Harian Metro reported on its website.

    All six were unrepresented while Syarie Nurul Taqwa Hasbul prosecuted.

    According to the Malay daily, the six were accused of violating Section 16 of the Terengganu Syariah Criminal Enactment (Takzir) amendment 2016, which provides for a maximum jail sentence of two years, or a fine up to RM3,000 on those convicted.

    While all six were ordered to be locked up one month, father of two Khairul Azle got the heftiest fine of RM2,500. The others who were all bachelors were each fined RM2,400.

    Citing the charge sheet, Harian Metro reported the six to have committed the Islamic offence at the Sekayu Waterfall between 1pm and 1.50pm on August 23, 2019.

    The six were reportedly busted during a raid by the Terengganu Islamic Religious Affairs Department.

    Its female officers had entered the recreation area first for surveillance and found the six accused to be among several people picnicking with their families at the waterfall area instead of being at the mosque for their obligatory prayers that Friday.

    The male officers went in and made the arrests after Friday prayers ended, according to the daily.

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    وقتی برای گرفتن گواهینامه اقدام میکنیم همه چیز در ابتدا آسان به نظر میرسد از ثبت نام تا نشستن بر سر کلاس عمومی و فنی که کمی هم حوصله سر بر هستند .
    اما خیلی زود , بعد از چند روز میرسیم به دغدغه اصلی که همگی دچار اون میشویم و اون مشکل قبول شدن در امتحان آیین نامه و یا سختی سوالات آیین نامه است که نظر شمارو به آمار قبولی هر کلاس جلب میکنیم :

    معمولا چند نفر در امتحان آیین نامه قبول میشوند ؟

    به طور طبیعی اگر بخواهیم آمار دقیق از تعداد قبولی های امتحانات آیین نامه را بدهیم به این صورت میباشد که :

    اگر شما یک کلاس 30 نفره را در نظر بگیرید , تعداد قبولی حدود 8 الی 10 نفر خواهد بود که این آمار بسیار به واقعیت نزدیک است .

    کسانی که قبول میشوند خب مبارکشان باشد اما مابقی تکلیفشان چیست و چکار باید انجام بدهند ؟

    خب واضح است که یک هفته دیگر از زمان با ارزششان را به راحتی میسوزانند و بدتر ازآن باید سر صبح بروند بانک و در یک صف طولانی ایستاده یک فیش به حساب آموزشگاه و راهنمایی و رانندگی پرداخت کنند که واقعا ( فااااجعست )

    ویژگی پکیج طلایی ” اصل سوالات آیین نامه چیست ” ؟

    ویژگی پکیج طلایی اصل سوالات آیین نامه و نمونه سوالات رانندگی :

    1_ عینا اصل سوالات سال گذشته 97 _ 98
    2_ عینا اصل سوالات با آخرین تغییرات سال 98 _ 99

    ** بازهم تکرار میکنیم : ” شما دقیقا اصل سوالات را دانلود خواهید کرد , نه صدها نمونه سوال بی اعتبار که باعث سردرگمی شما میشود .

    منبع :


    محل تبلیغات شما
    محل تبلیغات شما محل تبلیغات شما

    آخرین وبلاگ ها

    آخرین جستجو ها

    تاج بانو دانلود آهنگ جدید Beth DaneshIran خريد و فروش فويل آلومينيوم ثبت اظهارنامه مالیاتی عملکرد 97 در خرداد ماه 1398 با مجوز رسمی موج باران Mike کانکس و کاربرد آن در دنياي امروزه